Monday, February 27, 2012

RR 18 Identify how you will use cooperative learning in your ITU. Be specific and describe the strategies you will use for each component.

I will use cooperative lerning in the final project of the ITU. The final project is a poster based project, however, some students may opt for alternative projects.

  1.  Positive Interdependence - In this project each student will be required to research a different topic related to the a local Native American tribe. They will then have to make sure that the other two members of the group learn the material.
  2.  Individual & Group Accountability - They will be held individually accountable for the section of the project that they are to research. Each day the role of checker will change so that everyone plays the role for one full day.
  3.  Group Processing - As a group at the end of the day they will have to write a summative reflection about how well they are making progress towards the goal.
  4.  Social Skills - As the role checker they will have to practice their leadership. The group will also have to develop decision-making and possibly conflict-management skills because it the group that has to decide which students research which topics. 
  5.  Face-to-Face Interactions - They will have to teach each other the information that they have learned about their specific topic.

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