Tuesday, March 13, 2012

RR 30 10 best practices for conducting an IEP

  1. Provide clear, reliable data and information about the student’s achievement, socialization, and behavior in your classroom.
  2. Always display a positive attitude towards the parent and student
  3. Allow the parent to have full input regarding their thoughts and desires
  4. Allow the student to have full input regarding their thoughts and desires
  5. Assure that all participants are introduced
  6. Assure that all school personnel are seated on time.
  7. Be sure to address only the aspects of the student's academic and behavioral responses related to the disability. 
  8. Review previous IEP goals with everyone present. 
  9. Be sure everyone knows who is responsible for what before ending the meeting. 
  10. Do not use teacher speak, speak using language that is easily understood by the parents and student

RR 28 Describe 3 differentiation strategies for Mwajabu

Differentiation Strategies:

  1. Process: Do not have her speak spontaneously as she struggles with this skill. Give her time to formulate answers and express them when she is ready.
  2. Process: Keep information strings short, less than 3 minutes
  3. Process: Use a variety visual aids to assist her understanding of material
  4. Product: allow her time to compete assessments without interruption
  5. Content, Process, Product: allow her to draw within all of these areas
  6. Process: Allow her to pick the students she works with or in proximity to.

RR 27 Identify key information for Mwajabu to inform ed goals/supports for IEP

Key information that will inform educational goals and supports for her IEP.

1. Didn't attend school for 1st 18-months in U.S.
2. Has potential hearing loss (never recieved educational supports)
3. Speaks Swahili and a tribal language.
4. Knows math facts and simple division problems. Math is her strength.
5. Great Visual memorizer
6. Very rigid, task- orientated work ethic
7. Has to start and finish a task, uninterrupted. (Starts from beginning if interrupted)
8. Enjoys drawing/ communicating through drawing pictures (comic strip- like sequences)
9. Received vocab level score of 11 years 5 months (she's 14)
10. Scored at 10 years 3 months level on one-word picture vocabulary test
11. Shows delays on all subjects except grammatical completion (84th percentile)
12. Cooks with mom, knows equlivances with measuring cups but not decimals and fractions.
13 She has a significant delay in expressive vocabulary
14. She may not realize that what she says and does has an effect on her environment
15. Cannot read sentences longer than three words.
16. Difficulty with abstract concepts.
17. Strong support at home.
18. Is willing to work at problems she is presented if done on overhead
19. Does better with visual aids, such as acting out things or having them drawn

Monday, March 12, 2012

RR 26 Differentiation for Leanna

I would use some of these strategies to differentiate for Leanna

  1. Process: I would assure that she is working in a group with other young women that will be kind to her and may have similar backgrounds or interest in an attempt to help her develop socially and connect with some of her peers.
  2. Product: When doing short answer work/assessments I would provide her with model sentences to guide her in the writing process. 
  3. Content: I would differentiate the content related reading by providing her with material that covers the same information but in a manner that would be more accessible for her.
  4. Process: to help her organize her thoughts prior to writing I would have her use a graphic organizer.
  5. Content: I would provide her with a key vocabulary terms sheet for every chapter. 
  6. Process: I would give her time to organize and think about her writing before turning it in.

RR 25 Identify key information for Leanna goals/supports

Key information that will inform educational goals and supports for her IEP.
  1. She is Hardworking
  2. shy with other students and staff
  3. Oral reading is good
  4. Comprehension is low
  5. Vocabulary is low in writing
  6. Organizational skills in writing are low
  7. Spelling is a strength
  8. Difficulty in math
  9. Test Results
  10. Self reported that current services are beneficial
  11. Mild level of cognitive impairment
  12. She is weak at tasks requiring her to remember numbers and letters presented orally
  13. Current academic skills are in the 6th percentile
  14. She can perform basic math skills
  15. Difficulty with multi-digit multiplication, long division, common fractions.
  16. Reading at 4.0-4.5 level / literal comprehension is 70% / Vocab @ 50%
  17. Difficulty using decoding strategies. 
  18. Can answer comprehension questions about details, sequential events and drawing conclusions.
  19. Does not make generalizations or inferences accurately
  20. Writes complete sentences when given a model to follow.
  21. Can write series of simple sentences without a model
  22. Spontaneous writing is not well organized.
  23. Can write paragraphs but they are more like grouped sentences not paragraphs.